Monday, October 15, 2012

Cheerleaders AllStar at the Arnold Classic Europe

It has been an exhausting weekend. I have spent the whole weekend at the Arnold Classic Europe 2012 performing with my cheerleading squad.
It's been a great experience but overall exhausting :p
We started on Friday October 12th, which I think it was not even necessary as we didn't even properly perfomed. was fun! Then it came Saturday which was the most crowded day and our first real performance at the event. 

I have to say that for the time we spent practicing and learning the routine (less than a month) we did pretty well.
We performed together with other Cheerleading squads form Barcelona, Cadiz and Santander. A professional Cheerleading couple from Germany came along to the event too. They were amazing. I hope I am able to do that one day ;)

Last day of the event (Sunday) while waiting for the rest of the squad to arrive, Patricia and I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger in the fair. I have to say he was surrounded by a security crew. It has to be difficult to even enjoy anything you do if you are sorrounded by that many people that don't let you stop anywhere or do anything...poor Arnold jajajajaj.

Here you have a few pics from the event :) Hope you like them



Monday, October 8, 2012

Back again!!!

It's been a while since I last posted an entry on my blog!!!! I can't believe it took me so long to strat writing here again.

I decided to write again because of my dearest friend Xenia. She has a really cool blog (if anyone wants to pass by and read it, here it is: and made me think of updating my blog.

Many things had happened since I last wrote here. Let me tell you:

- I moved from my parent's house to my own appartment. It's pretty cool and I have a pink Kitchen!!!

- Have a new bf now :) He's the most amazing guy I've ever met. I love him more than anything in the entire world. He has moved with me to my new appartment. I am the happiest girl in the planet right now. Love you sooooooo much baby.

- I have started a new job! I quit my job at Tek and now I am working as a PM (Project Manager) at Foreign Exchange Translation. I think the change has been for the best, although I am quite sad of leaving behind all the nice people in Tek.
- I have joined a Cheer team here in Madrid. they have been trying for me to join them since last year, but because of my previous job and it's schedule I couldn't. This time everything works out with my job, I am a Cheerleader All Star now :)  Incredibly happy about it. You can visit and Like our page in FB (!/pages/All-Stars-Cheerleaders-y-dancers-de-Espa%C3%B1a/124168694364582). I am very proud of the team, they are very hardworking, have a great team spirit and they are f**** amazing. I can't believe what a high level the have for just been doing this for 1 year :) You can see pic of the team with the different uniforms below:

I think that's all so far. I will keep posting more regurlary from now on...PROMISE!!!